![Lick them over there! Come on Canada! - AN19840513-005 [PCDN=3309-2011-0982-077]](images/forces_e_min.gif)
Lick them over there! Come on Canada! |
The Canadian Armed Forces
Canada's Second World War navy,
and were all built
on the narrow base of very small permanent forces backed up by reserves,
or part-timers, who trained when they could on evenings, weekends
and during the summer. All three forces grew to more than one hundred
times their prewar size during the war. All suffered severe growing
pains. All had trouble finding strong and competent leaders, bringing
in many officers from civilian life, but most of the senior leadership
remained with those who had been in the military before war broke
out. The fact that Britain was Canada's "mother country"
made it difficult for British authorities to accept that Canada
had become an independent country. In the First World War the Canadian
government and its soldiers in Britain had to scramble to get the
British to accept the Canadian Expeditionary Force as truly Canadian.
By the beginning of the Second World War, the British government
and British officers
realized that the Canadian did not belong to them, but they still expected to use
parts of it for their
own purposes when they wished. Senior officers of Britain's Royal Air Force
preferred the simplicity of dealing with one empire-wide
They did not like putting Canadian fliers into separate
Canadian squadrons, and opposed the grouping of those squadrons
into Canadian formations. The navy faced both British and American
pressures to use its ships without the permission of Canadian leaders. Related Newspaper Articles
English Articles
French Articles
Pour fournir des renforts aux unités en service outre-mer
Le Devoir, 19/04/1940
"Le Canada demande 75,000 volontaires"
Le Devoir, 11/07/1940
L'équipement de nos troupes en Angleterre
Le Devoir, 16/08/1940
Les 39 centres d'instruction militaire au Canada
Le Devoir, 17/08/1940
Entretien avec le général Laflèche
Le Devoir, 03/08/1940
Au collège militaire de Kingston
Le Devoir, 24/08/1940
La mobilisation - Ce que sera la part du Québec
Le Devoir, 12/09/1940
Le recrutement. Coopération des trois services
Le Devoir, 15/04/1941
Pas de Canadienne outre-mer
Le Devoir, 13/06/1941
Tâche paradoxale de l'ingénieur militaire
Le Devoir, 09/07/1941
Le ravitaillement de l'armée en campagne
Le Devoir, 11/07/1941
"10,000 Américains dans l'armée canadienne"
Le Devoir, 24/09/1941
L'insigne 'Canada'
Le Devoir, 29/10/1941
Le rapport du ministère de la Défense
Le Devoir, 06/11/1941
"Le service militaire. Jusqu'ici le Québec a donné 35,017 recrues, contre l'Ontario, 34,561"
Le Devoir, 10/01/1942
Statistiques de l'entôlement au Canada.
Le Devoir, 17/02/1942
800 médecins pour les forces armées
Le Devoir, 20/03/1942
"D'ici un an, il y aura au moins 610,000 Canadiens sous les armes"
Le Devoir, 26/03/1942
"Le Canada a besoin de plus de 500 médecins pour les trois services de l'Armée, de l'Air et de la Marine"
Le Devoir, 16/09/1942
Les aumôniers militaires
Le Devoir, 28/09/1942