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Second World War
Battle of the Atlantic  - Weapons and Technology

Combatants in the battle of the Atlantic relied on weapons and technology to attack the enemy, to defend themselves, to communicate, and to rescue friends and foes.

W/T Operator and Messenger
W/T Operator and Messenger

Wireless (radio) operators, called "wireless telegraphists" or "W/Ts," ensured that warships remained in contact with each other and with naval installations on shore.

War artist Tom Wood has depicted a wireless operator (right) on board a ship receiving a transmission. A messenger (left) waits to take the message to the appropriate officer. Wireless telegraphists were trained in receiving and sending messages, and in the care and maintenance of their equipment.

W/T Operator and Messenger
Painted by Tom Wood in 1945
Beaverbrook Collection of War Art
CWM 19710261-4920

4-inch Naval Gun and Mounting
.5-inch Vickers Mk III Heavy Machine-gun
"Pom-Pom" Anti-Aircraft Gun, HMCS Kamloops
Anti-Aircraft Gun and Crew in Action
Depth Charge and Thrower
Hedgehog Anti-submarine Projectile
Squid Anti-submarine Mortar
"Squid Explosion", HMCS Copper Cliff
Medium Frequency Direction Finding Loop
Binnacle, HMCS Swansea
Gyroscopic Compass
Taffrail Log
Wheel House
Fueling Mid Atlantic
German Signal Lamp
W/T Operator and Messenger
"Mae West" Life Belts, HMCS St. Laurent
Royal Canadian Navy Life Vest
Royal Canadian Navy Lifeboat Bailer
Lee-Enfield Line-throwing Rifle